代表メッセージCEO's message

株式会社早川書房CEO 早川浩
  • 早川書房は、文学青年で演劇好きだった父・早川清が灰燼と帰した東京・神田の地で太平洋戦争終結の1945年8月15日に興しました。彼の胸中には、演劇雑誌と演劇書の出版、海外の優れた文芸作品の翻訳出版を、という強い志がありました。
    同時期に英米仏独伊など海外文学の翻訳出版に力を入れ、ポピュラーサイエンス、ビジネス書、日本作家のSFやミステリ、児童書へと広げてきました。ここには創業以来一貫した不変の姿勢があります、それは「One and Only」。右顧左眄せず、流行を創造し、世界の鼓動をいち早く伝える作品を読者に届けるという出版使命です。 当社は来年創立80周年を迎えます。これからも永く読み継がれる書籍出版に努めますのでご期待そしてご支援をお願いします。

    代表取締役社長 早川浩
  • Hayakawa Publishing was founded by my father, Kiyoshi Hayakawa, a young literary enthusiast with a passion for theatre, on 15th August 1945, in Kanda, Tokyo, which had been reduced to ashes by the Pacific War. He was driven by a strong ambition to publish theatre magazines, books on theatre, and translations of outstanding literary works from abroad.
    In November 1947, he fulfilled his dream by launching the theatre magazine Tragedy and Comedy. By 1953, he had coined the term “mystery” for detective novels and in 1957, “SF” for science fiction, introducing them to the world through the Hayakawa Pocket Mystery and Hayakawa SF Series. These works, with their innovative American-style paperback designs, were launched as a fresh form of entertainment.
    At the same time, the company devoted itself to translating and publishing literary works from countries such as the UK, the US, France, Germany, and Italy, expanding into popular science, business books, and Japanese authors' science fiction and mystery novels, as well as children's books. This steadfast approach has been consistent since our founding, driven by the philosophy of being "One and Only". Without being swayed by trends, we focus on creating them, and delivering to readers works that capture the pulse of the world.
    Next year, our company will celebrate its 80th anniversary. We remain committed to publishing books that will continue to be read for generations to come, and we ask for your continued support and encouragement.

    Cheif Exective Officer Hiroshi Hayakawa